Co-Operative Society Building

Built in 1876, the amusingly-named Gusset Building was built as a warehouse for the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, the first purpose-built warehouse of its type in Scotland. The SCWS quickly outgrew the space, though, so it was converted to offices for various Co-operative Society operations, including the in-house magazine and later the ground floor was used for funerals. The building is now empty, and is up for sale with plans to convert to 75 flats, but current economic climate, blah blah blah…

It was at this point that I spotted the wee red glow of a PIR, and decided that running away was the better part of valour, stopping for just one more picture…

3 Responses

  1. I am glad that there are shots of the inside of the Coop Funeral Parlour, no chance of getting them again
    Well done

  2. I worked in the building next to this for a couple of years, security work. Used to see the hearses going in and out all the time. Very atmospheric (haunted?) place!

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