Stobhill Hospital

Glasgow’s Stobhill Hospital is a lovely old Victorian hospital, and is a real mish-mash of uses and buildings – some parts are almost cottage hospital like, some parts are traditional corridors-and-wards, and there are also some brand new high tech buildings. The main Victorian bit – the general hospital – closed at the beginning of the year.

This a bit of a work-in-progress – the place is alarmed to the hilt, covered in CCTV, doors are locked, and it’s in the middle of a live hospital. Still, I’ve been a few times and managed to get underneath most of it in the steam tunnels – not had quite so much success with the tower and the chapel, the other parts which might be worth a look.

The steam tunnels are amazingly leaky – hot steam gushes from dozens of leaks, in some places forming a cloud so you can’t see the ceiling.

Earlier in the year, I went during the day before any security fences went up, and got into one of the ward buildings – standard NHS hospital, really.

It doesn’t really help that the boiler house right next to (in fact practically underneath) the tower is still live. And finally, the chapel from a neighbouring roof:

All images:

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1 Response

  1. Great pics. Creepy as I remember visiting seriously ill family there so recently.
    The running down of this place made a bad place worse.
    I’ve got a shot of the public loo on a here that would make anyone shudder in fear of sitting on that particular crapper. It would make prison toilets look like a golden throne.Towards the end of its life the theme here was we are closing, we have no money for inpatients so we really don’t care.

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