The Town Hall

At the end of last week’s gripping episode, we left our intrepid reporter exploring some steam tunnels underneath a derelict swimming pool, somewhere in Glasgow:

Town Hall 2 (by Ben Cooper)

This week, our daring adventurer returns to explore the maze:

Town Hall 3 (by Ben Cooper)

Maze is a good word – different-sized tunnels branch off at different angles, there are doors large and small, storerooms and dead ends everywhere.

Town Hall 5 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 15 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 16 (by Ben Cooper)

Almost crawling down one tunnel full of ballot boxes…

Town Hall 12 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 6 (by Ben Cooper)

…our hero reaches a cubby-hole full of ancient council plans and wages books.

Town Hall 7 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 8 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 10 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 9 (by Ben Cooper)

Through a door, a disused kitchen with a very odd set of pillars – supporting a safe, perhaps.

Town Hall 13 (by Ben Cooper)

And off to one side, through another small door, another store of mouldy paperwork.

Town Hall 14 (by Ben Cooper)

Retracing his steps and venturing through another set of doors, our explorer finds himself in a set of dressing rooms, beautifully clean and heated – this bit seems to be still in use.

Town Hall 17 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 20 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 21 (by Ben Cooper)

Venturing up some stairs…

Town Hall 22 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 23 (by Ben Cooper)

Town Hall 24 (by Ben Cooper)

…an through a door marked “Stage Door”, our adventurer finds a stage:

Town Hall 25 (by Ben Cooper)

The fire curtain is secured, so the only way is up:

Town Hall 26 (by Ben Cooper)

…and up:

Town Hall 27 (by Ben Cooper)

…and up:

Town Hall 28 (by Ben Cooper)

This space, above the ceiling of the theatre, has a curving wooden floor and some risque graffiti:

Town Hall 29 (by Ben Cooper)

Venturing down another curved set of steps:

Town Hall 30 (by Ben Cooper)

And down to the ground floor, another corridor leads to the cells – these cells were the scene of a recent daring escape, when a prisoner managed to climb a rope dropped through a skylight by an accomplice:

Town Hall 33 (by Ben Cooper)

Along from this, the door to the court itself, which was unfortunately locked tight:

Town Hall 34 (by Ben Cooper)

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