Stobhill Hospital II

I thought I’d done a report on this, but I guess not – covered some parts of Stobhill Hospital a while ago, but didn’t manage to get into any of the buildings. That changed, and found out a way into the X-Ray department.

So, anyway – Stobhill is a partly-live hospital in the North-East of Glasgow. There are some lovely big steam tunnels:

But this was the interesting bit, the X-Ray department:

All images:

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1 Response

  1. Those are some interesting old xray machines. Siemens fluoroscopy same as the one currently in use in a London nhs Hospital. Then what appear to be two different plain film xray rooms, in rather a mess. The final machine is so old fashioned you won’t find it in use in many places. I believe it’s called a Shmatso and was used to do skull and facial bone x-rays. The last one is an upside down ankle xray which makes my radiography brain sad.
    Did they build a new hospital? It’s often so expensive to remove equipment that unless the rooms are being renovated and upgraded to new equipment then they are used as space to perform services on working kit and general dumping ground.

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